Keeping Kids Creative

Dear Readers,

We have all heard the buzzwords of the knowledge-based economy - creative, innovative, resourceful.We are told that our students will need these abilities, not just facts and figures, to thrive in the workplace of the future. And we,their teachers, need to equip them through creative teaching. Hence, here I try to unravel the nuts and bolts behind these ideas, to find out what creative teaching is all about and how it can be implemented in the classroom.

Join Me and I will appreciate it very much if you sign in my guestbook and leave your comments.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Motivational quote for today

Assallamualaikum and Good morning everyone......
hope everybody has a good start this morning yea...
with good breakfast and lovely sunshine shinning warmly 
on our sweet smiles and strong spirit.
OK, today let us share something about this motivational quote above. 
Very inspiring, do you agree with me?
Say something about it.....share your opinion with us.

Sunday, October 23, 2016

The Interference Effect of L1 in Essay Writing

The study concludes that students have difficulties in using correct English grammar in their writing especially in :
1. the use of determiners
2. subject-verb agreement
3. copula 'be'

The next step is to think on how to solve or at least reduce this problems.

FOG to reduce OCA

Free Topic Discussion To Arouse Their Confident Level

Fun Topic With Guided Procedure

Oral Communication Apprehension is "an individual's level of fear or anxiety associated with either real or anticipated communication with another person or persons". This is a common problem faced by a lot of people especially when they are communicating in their second language, at this point, of course English Language. To overcome this problem, I have initiated a program which I named it as Fun Oral Group (FOG Program) .Students are divided into 2 or 3 large groups and they can choose their on group members to reduce the anxiety level as everybody knows that ,it is much easier to communicate with somebody close to you rather then to somebody unfamiliar.
Topic of discussion is always something light and fun. They can always voice out their thoughts or ideas freely so as to make the task more enjoyable. The main objective is to boost their confident level.
OK, I'll update more on the progress in my next post. Till then, have a nice day everyone!

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Favourite Quote

This is a very good quote which I believe can change 
the perception of people around you 
if they stop and think wisely.


* Strolling
* To go for a leisurely walk
* To travel from place to place seeking work 
* To walk along or through at a leisurely pace
* A leisurely walk

Tuesday, July 8, 2014


** electrifying
** awesome 
** to good to be true thing
** You are such a vibrant girl. 


1. of delicate beauty; exquisite: a dainty lace handkerchief. 

2. pleasing to the taste and, 
often, temptingly served or delicate; 
delicious: dainty pastries. 

3. of delicate discrimination or taste; 
particular; fastidious: a dainty eater. 

4. overly particular; finicky. 

5. something delicious to the taste; a delicacy. 

-small or fragile and attractive 

Example: a dainty little girl

'The dainty girl refused to walk near the mud.' 


** The majority of opinion. 

** Usually referring to a majority of people 
in a group that have agreed to something. 

** The consensus of the group was that 
they should improvise for the play :) 


** A way of accomplishing something by way 
of unethical or wrong ways of doing something. 

** A person like this is incredibly clever and
has ways of getting what they want with ease,
has the power of will
and has the ability to be great without trying to be.

** The worst way of getting something
yet it often profits the most.

"The way that guy took the vehicle was notorious."


** Cheeky is a word used by English people
** It is a word used to describe someone
who does something or says something
sort of disrespectful and sometimes rude,
but says it in a cunning way.

** Can also be used in a more serious way
 i.e if you found out that one of your friends
 has been talking behind your back,
you might say that she is a "cheeky bitch"

  ** Student says:
miss, i like your sweat patches,
i think they look nice
against that lovely brown dress you are wearing today...

    ** Teacher says: "dont be so cheeky"

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

EduBlog and GOT Programs

EduBlog Program and GOT Program are two of my latest programs which I have created for my students at Kedah Technical Matriculation College. These two programs create the collaborative learning , peer reviewing and scaffolding skills between the lecturer and the students virtually. 

My two blogs : Let's View My Blog and Catchy Learning Cottage are the two main sources to make the EduBlog Program work well. As for the GOT Program, I introduced Googledocs as the backbone of the show.

For more information regarding these two programs, viewers are most welcomed to go to the comment bullet and shoot your questions. Insyaallah, upon request, I'll elaborate more ..........

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Monday, June 30, 2014

MUET Speaking Practice

In Groups Of Four

Scaffolding Session

Checking The Elaborated Points

Grinning Ears To Ears

Collaborative Learning

The Students Are Presenting Their Task On Outlining

Another Way Of Outlining Using Graphic

A Discussion Session After Presenting Their Task
The photos above pictured the way I normally carry out my lessons with my students. Not much speaking on my side but more on the students' sides. This is my way of encouraging them to speak in public confidently. Collaborative learning is one way to enhance the teaching and learning in class as students collaborate with each other with the help and guidance of the lecturer in order for them to emerge with satisfying performance and presentations. 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Learning English The Fun Ways

Looking at the above photos 
will surely confirmed my statement that 
Learning English can really be FUN!
C'mon.....let's join us and be part of the community.

Using the Google Docs

Google Docs  is the market leader . Here I am going to explain a proper way to use Google Docs. You can start using Google Docs by using your Gmail ID and password. Below is the screenshot of the online document editor Google Docs. Some features are explained in the document as well.
* Create new documents, spreadsheets or presentations online.
* Upload your existing docs and make the changes
* Share the doc with others to work together or review.
* Control the access of documents.
* Publish them on your blog or embed them using URL.
   Give it a try and Good Luck!