Keeping Kids Creative

Dear Readers,

We have all heard the buzzwords of the knowledge-based economy - creative, innovative, resourceful.We are told that our students will need these abilities, not just facts and figures, to thrive in the workplace of the future. And we,their teachers, need to equip them through creative teaching. Hence, here I try to unravel the nuts and bolts behind these ideas, to find out what creative teaching is all about and how it can be implemented in the classroom.

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Sunday, April 24, 2011

More of the Character Quilts

The best  three Character Quilts created by my beloved

On the other panels, I proudly present the Book Covers  illustrated by
my dearest ones.

First, Second and Third placing

I valued what my students did very much. With great effort  and commitment shown during the hours spent in completing their tasks, they also learnt to value each character in the story. For this stage - Tidy Your Room, Tanya!
They were so happy and proud when I announced  the best 3 winners of the competition and their masterpieces were pasted high up on the wall of my CCL Room. Totaly in clear view of everybody who entered the room.
And guess what.....they asked for more mini and extended projects so that they can win more prizes.
So happy that they actually dived into the world of literature so deeply. Through competing for the awards and prizes, my students learnt literature..........


zaza from Taiping said...

Dear madam mastura,
you have a great blog, full of interesting ideas to be shared among the English teachers.Double thumbs-up to you!

Unknown said...

Thanks for the compliment,Zaza. Happy that you like my blog. Please feel free to follow more entries of mine in the near future.Warmest regards.

'atiq achmed said...

Hi mdm mastura (i get to know you from the comment from zaza :))
i'm a beginning teacher, majoring in English. however, i was not taught how to teach literature during my degree program. wondering, what it is all about literature from your perspective? is it all about conveying your thought, no right neither wrong. or it is about understand the text solely?